The Only Skin Care Guide You Will Ever Need!
Just click the image below to enlarge & see the Skin Care Cheat Sheet for Skin-of-Color, have access to live links, and download!
This Cheat Sheet covers everything you'd want to know if you have Skin-of-Color. Including: Dark Spots, Shaving Bumps, Ingrown Hairs, Rosacea, Hyperpigmentation, Uneven Skin Tone, Rough Texture, Dull-Looking Skin, Age Spots, Sun Spots, Skin Care Routine, Fine Lines & Wrinkles, Dark Under Eye Circles, Adult Acne, Sun Protection, Eyebrow & Eyelash Thinning, and Dry & Ashy Skin.
We hope you enjoy! Share it with your friends.
And, always… Love Your Brown Skin®
Please note – for the purpose of Skin Care: We use Black skin, Brown skin, and skin-of-color interchangeably when discussing people-of-color. When we use the term people-of-color, we intend to mean those whose skin tone is not White and who are Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, Mediterranean, Pacific Islander, or of Middle Eastern descent.