Skin Bleaching. Colorism. Anti-Blackness in Her Community.
"If you're not fair [light-skinned], you're not beautiful. That's what skin whitening products tell you."
“Why are you not happy with your skin color?”
You are listening to the Beauty Of The Nile podcast with host, Jasmine Mobley.
Did you know that the skin whitening industry has grown since 2020? Just 3 years ago it was an $8 billion industry. Today it is $13 billion and growing rapidly!
This week on the Beauty Of The Nile Podcast, Anti-Colorism Activist & Author, Shweta Aggarwal, shares her perspective on being an anti-colorism activist, the skin whitening practices in India, and more.
Jasmine and Shweta covered:
• What caused her to finally reject skin bleaching once and for all
• What led her to step into the role of Anti-colorism Activist
• Her work to improve Black and South Asian relations by combating Anti-Blackness
• The problematic definitions of the words fair & light in the dictionary

Jasmine shared: “Shweta was authentic, vulnerable and brave. I appreciated her openness. This is how we move forward toward change. I’m excited to continue to bring you amazing, empowering, enriching conversations for women of color from the experts on skin of color.”
Listen in, then leave comments below and let us know your thoughts.
Shweta Aggarwal is an anti-colorism activist with a colorful life. A computer science engineer by training her passion is dance and writing. She ran a successful Bollywood dance company for years alongside working at UBS in their IT Department. Some proud moments include her troop being featured as a semi-finalist in Britain's Got Talent and being invited by the London Olympic team to audition for their closing ceremony.
A new passion emerged when she noticed the lack of representation in children's books which inspired her to launch the Dev and Ollie's series of picture books based on festivals in India.
The books are popular in schools and libraries all over the world.
Shweta's mission is simple: to instigate change for which she is prepared to risk exposing herself to the world.
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Please note – for the purpose of Skin Care: We use Black skin, Brown skin, and skin-of-color interchangeably when discussing people-of-color. When we use the term people-of-color, we intend to mean those whose skin tone is not White and who are Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, Mediterranean, Pacific Islander, or of Middle Eastern descent.
*Please note: Above is an auto computer-generated transcript of the Beauty Of The Nile podcast interview. As such, there may be slight errors in words and grammar. Thank you for your understanding.*